document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) { var aplointerval = setInterval(function() { initBlock() },1000); function initBlock() { let observerOptions = {rootMargin: '0px',threshold: 0.3} var observer = new IntersectionObserver(observerCallback, observerOptions); function observerCallback(entries, observer) { entries.forEach(entry => { if(entry.isIntersecting) {"aploshow"); observer.unobserve(; } }); }; document.querySelectorAll('.aploanim').forEach((i) => { if (i) { observer.observe(i); } }); var el = document.querySelector(".is-style-aplo-sticky-hide-in") if (el) { // add undefined check const stickyobserver = new IntersectionObserver( function([e]){"aplo-header-stuck", e.intersectionRatio < 1); }, {threshold:1} ); stickyobserver.observe(el); }; if (document.querySelector("")) { var el = document.querySelector(""); var height = el.offsetHeight; } else if (document.querySelector("")) { var el = document.querySelector(""); var height = el.offsetHeight; } if (el) { var prevScrollpos = window.pageYOffset; var startHide = 200 // determines how much needs to be scrolled before hiding will start var tolerance =2; // determines how much scroll needs to move for hide to activate - not quite right - maybe need interval window.onscroll = function() { var currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset; if (currentScrollPos > height + startHide) { if (prevScrollpos > (currentScrollPos + tolerance) ) {'top'); // remove top so that it is controlled by css } else if (prevScrollpos < (currentScrollPos - tolerance)) { = - (height) + "px"; } prevScrollpos = currentScrollPos; } } } clearInterval(aplointerval); } })